Sunday, February 20, 2011

apa2 saja+ b-day msg =)

huargh mengantok ! sebelum tido aku korban skejap tulis belog . kelmarin seperti biasa aktiviti hujung minggu ni pegi majlis perkahwinan si abg Nas , soriii bg pihak pengantin laki2 aku tidak ingat tapi sbenarnya aku langsung nda tau namamu meskipun baru smlm aku baca kad jemputan mu. abestosss aku ni pelupa eee nauzubillah~ hmmm majlis tdi mmg suasana meriah seperti open house time hari raya hoho kan ;) aku n sis pakai kaler itam pink dot2 polka polki dut ngeee astagee & juga aku hanya tahu menumpang sedara kesana hehe yata nah brapa byk kali sudah mama suruh aku ambil lesen kreta tapi aku tetap brdegil n buat muka selamber aishhh. . bukan nda mau tapi alkisahnya diriku belom berani drive walopun now aku angkut kreta kedepan belakang setiap hari haha utk pengetahuan semua saya hanyalah drive kerumah cousin belakang rumah hahaha ;p

lastly kata2 akhirku sebelum penutup ending story entah apakah ku tulis bejela2 ani

happy birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE HER/HIS B-DAY YESTERDAY brsamaan 20hb not 21 ok,atu lain lgi cetanya ;)

""Side by side or miles apart
True friends are always close to your heart
Whether you're turning five or fifty-three
You know that I'm a true friend because you're here beside me
I'm here, right now, on your special day
So lets give a cheer for you, hip, hip, hooray! hepi b-day!!""


"I wish for you to have people to love, people in your life who will care about you as much as I do. Happy birthday. "
khas buat shbtku qilah & dila n__n

ehh ada lagii satu hehe (( wahai tecik ini ucapang sepesil utk kamo )) klo ko baca la yea

**On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy;
I hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you!

Each year your birthday reminds me
That I really want to say
I’m very glad I know you;
I think of you each day.

...I hope you enjoy your birthday,
All the pleasures it has in store,
And because I appreciate you,
I hope you have many more!

hehe ingat lagi tak ayats tu? ;D thanks jua suka terpaksa or mmg sbenar suka hadiah yg kami bg huhu ko hargailah pemberian itu meskipun murah made in BD ngeh3 susah payah tau aku,sis,mumi cari yg sesuai utk ko tau tau TAHU!!!

may ALLAH BLESSING U all ~ amin . . .

hokeh zZzZz

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